Transaction Coordination

​A licensed real estate agent will:​
Check contracts for errors and missing documents
Ensure sure everything is signed and initialed as required
Send an introduction email with a contract summary and important dates to the title company, lender and agents
Send an introduction email to client with contract summary and important dates
Ensure earnest money and option fees are delivered and receipted
Send option checklist and email with helpful websites to buyer clients
Update MLS status for listings throughout the transaction
Add the transaction to your broker compliance site
Update your broker and agent file statuses throughout the transaction
Put important dates on the calendar
Upload the contract documents to your broker and agent files
Send weekly update emails to you and your clients
Reach out to the lender for updates
Send options for home warranty service buyer clients
Submit documents for review to your brokerage
Ensure the following have been ordered and delivered to all parties as needed: disclosures, survey, T47, HOA documents, appraisal, home warranty
Submit funding request for DA
Verify all repairs have been completed and collect invoices
Email repair receipts to buyer or buyer's agent
Send DA to agent for review
Schedule the buyer walk through
Upload and submit the signed Settlement Statement and Walk-Through to your brokerage
Change MLS Status to sold for your listings
Verify the listing is marked as SOLD with buyer agent's name for buyers
Send thank you email to client with checklist of transaction steps completed
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